Bonus: Who is the man in this picture? Why would he be in this picture?
Mr. Steltman - Redirecting ... |
![]() Life, it’s all about practice. As we’ve talked about this week, it isn’t about the final product, it’s all about the process and the method of getting there. This week, pick one thing that you’re going to practice, that you’re going to get better at. Remember, it’s perfect practice that makes perfect … you don’t want to practice something with a mistake in it! For your homework, write down in a descriptive paragraph what you worked on, how you practiced, and what results you noticed. Try to practice something different than you normally do! Bonus: Who is the man in this picture? Why would he be in this picture? ![]() Do you ever feel down, low, in a funk, or out of sorts? Of course you do, everyone has hours, days, or weeks, where they just don’t feel that great, where everything sort of feels down and out. Think about the last time that that happened to you… what causes you to feel that way? Then think about how you got out of your funk, what brought you back up to feeling like yourself again? This week for your blog post jot down what makes you feel down and three strategies you have for getting yourself up out of the dumps. Listening and learning from each other’s strategies may give us all some new insight and ideas into how we can get ourselves to be our best selves! ![]() This quote from Dr. Seuss is such a powerful one. He really offers a message to everyone, each one of us has our own special set of skills, abilities and CHOICE! We can steer ourselves any direction that we choose. For your task this week, I want you to think of how you can steer yourself in a positive direction. What is one thing you can do this week that will make a positive difference in someone’s life? For your blog post this week, choose to do one nice thing that makes a difference for someone. Describe what you did as a story, or a narrative. Can you tell it so that we can point out the characters, the conflict, the climax? Tell us the story of your positive choices so that we can all celebrate how we’re making the world a better place--one kind act at a time! ![]() This week, we looked at our learning skills and took some time to be very reflective of our own learning so far this semester. For this week I want you to continue to be reflective on your learning, and your personality and to think about failure. Failure isn’t fun, it never feels good, and sometimes it can be downright embarrassing! The crazy thing about it though, is that it’s through failure that we do our biggest amounts of growing as students, as learners, and as people. In your blog post this week, I want you to think back on this past month, week, year, etc. and write down 3 times that you failed or weren’t successful on something you tried. Write down what happened, why you feel that you failed and what you learned from this failure. My example for this week: One of this biggest learning times I have ever experienced is when I was in teacher’s college. I had a class of grade 6’s and I was teaching them about finding volume of triangular prism. I had the vice principal in the class watching and I TAUGHT IT TO THEM WRONG! I got confused with the numbers and the vice-principal had to come up and help me with the lesson. What I learned from that failure was that: 1. preparation is key when teaching any lesson and 2. Mistakes happen and you have to be able to accept that as a teacher. |
Mr. Steltman's ClassOur blog will be using inspirational quotes, news articles and more as jumping off points to showcase our digital footprint, ideas, and writing. Archives
April 2023