Think about the strategies we talked about in class:
- Word choice
- Start with a quote
- Appeal to your reader’s feelings and senses
Mr. Steltman - Redirecting ... |
A big focus of grade five has been thinking about who we are and who we want to be. In Wonder, we read that the most important question is “What kind of person do I want to be?” To help us answer this question, we need to know where we came from. We have been working on writing retells in 5-1 over the past few weeks and we decided that having a powerful introduction is one of the best ways to grab your reader’s attention and make them want to read our writing. This week you will be writing the introduction to YOU, to your story, to figure out where you’ve been so you can figure out who you want to be! Write the introduction to your biography. Think about the strategies we talked about in class:
Watch this video of a CRAZY jump that has over 6 million views on youtube. What I want to know is, do you think it’s real? What proof do you have that this is true and accurate. What do the creators of the video do to give this video validity and authenticity?
We live in an era where we hear the term “fake news” constantly. But can we recognize when news is fake and when it’s real? For your blog post this week, I want you to jot down how you recognize when a story is fake, and can you post an example of “clickbait” (screenshot if you can) or describe how you know when something is clickbait. I can give you a prompt to start your blog: I think that this video "is" OR "is not" real. The proof I have for my opinion is … Write your paragraph that talks about both the video and how you separate fact from fiction when you’re on the internet! Congratulations on being (almost) done your second week of school! From my perspective, it has been truly amazing to start to get to know each one of you! I hope that your first two weeks have been engaging, exciting and that you’re starting to see that how you think about your learning, your work, and your ideas are so important! With that in mind, can you write a DESCRIPTIVE paragraph that describes a positive experience that you’ve had these first few weeks of school. Remember, when being descriptive try to use all of your senses to make the experience feel real for the reader. I will happily start: The room was humming as I looked around. The students were scattered about the room, some focussed intently on their screens, others pointing out tips and hints to their peers. Students were asking each other for help, learning from each other, and pushing themselves forward. The collaboration was inspiring; an amazing group of students, polite and kind, wanting to learn, wanting to share, being the best they can be. This was truly a positive learning space and it made me feel so proud, so happy, and so lucky to be a part of this new community! What an incredible first week it’s been! I have had so much fun starting to get to know each and every one of you! Part of your homework each week will be to write a response to a blog post that I will create (that’s my homework every week). I have had such a busy time trying to get ready for school to start this year and in this time, I’ve started to think about new beginnings and fresh starts. This is a whole new school for me and I feel like each day I’m learning so many new things. I am loving the vibe at Dr. Charles Best and I really look forward to continuing that learning. For your blog post this week, I want you to think about your start this year, your learning career in grade 5. What do you want to achieve? How will you get there? How will you become the person you want to be, what steps will you have to take? What are three rules or promises that you can make that will help you become this person? What will you strive for this year? Here are my promises to you! This year I promise to: 1. Give 110% in my lesson planning and delivery. I will try to engage you through the activities I plan in class, making them meaningful, powerful, and helpful. 2. Listen to you. If you have questions, concerns, ideas, thoughts, or anything else and you would like to talk to me about them, I will be there to listen. This can be in class, after school, before school, by email, or at break. Your voice matters, your ideas matter, you matter! 3. Expect amazing things. I promise that my expectations for you will be high, and that I will expect that you can achieve in all subjects. I know that you are an exceptional learner and that you will succeed in so many different ways! Using the reply feature, can you write a short paragraph, with your three promises on this year? |
Mr. Steltman's ClassOur blog will be using inspirational quotes, news articles and more as jumping off points to showcase our digital footprint, ideas, and writing. Archives
April 2023