Now here’s the challenge, can you write a descriptive paragraph that doesn’t mention what your food is but describes it so well that your classmates can guess what it is? The world of food and wine website has some great words that you can use to help you in your challenge!
As an example: “Its colour is burned a deep amber hue, the outside hard, crunchy, almost black with flavour. The smell is powerful, smoky, and tantalizing. As I take the razor sharp knife and slice through the bark, the heat rises out in steamy tendrils. I pour the thin, vinegary barbecue sauce into the glass bowl, onto the piled up meat. It’s rich, meaty smell hits my nose and I use my knife and fork to cut through it. The meat is delicate, soft with a crunchy outside bit. The flavour is strong, meaty and delicious and as I put it on the bun, I cannot wait to bite into it!