Last week we developed our own characters and had them experience their first day of grade 6. This week, you will again get to use your characters in a story but we’re going to focus on another part of the discussion that we had with Chris Tozier, dialogue! Chris said that the easiest way to make your writing more clear is to follow the conventions for writing dialogue, specifically, quotation marks around speech and a new paragraph every time a different character is speaking. For you blog post this week, I would like your character to get into an argument, either with their parent, best friend, sibling, that part is totally up to you. Be sure that their personality shines through the argument and their flaw can show up too. It can be funny, silly, serious; whatever you like but let’s practice writing dialogue!
3/31/2016 01:08:06 pm
Last week's blog post was so much fun. I had a great time making my character and thinking about what my character was going to be like. I wasn't really such a big fan of reading or of creating stuff but that was only because I got annoyed when I couldn't figure out how to start my character and how my character should be. All of the confusion of mine went away when we talked to Chris Tozier. Since he is a professional writer he knew the do's and don'ts of writing. After talking to him I spent way more time making more stuff about my character Aariyah Marin. It was so much fun and I can't wait to start writing Aaliyah's argument with her younger sister named Lily Marin!
i'm really confused, there is no quotations and it seems like they are talking.
4/3/2016 09:05:16 am
it doesnt make sense
Uhmmmm rude.
4/3/2016 01:59:57 pm
You could have made that a little nicer.
4/3/2016 02:24:19 pm
You may need to read it from the doc because the blog post add all the right marks.
4/6/2016 02:03:38 pm
Good Job:)
Don't be mean, she didn't cause any harm
4/7/2016 05:23:54 pm
3/31/2016 04:27:19 pm
Now that I have a character created, I can have so much fun adding on to her, and making her my own! I have learned so much about developing my writing skills,thanks to Mr.Tozier!
Good Job you are such a good writer!
4/4/2016 09:13:55 am
The Ending was not so great try making it more catchy!
4/4/2016 03:48:19 pm
That's really rude!
4/4/2016 03:59:23 pm
You could have made that a little bit more nicer because from my opinion I think Yerin did a great job.
4/5/2016 06:40:57 am
Thank you for your comment, I will try to make a better ending next time, I was really tired while writing this, and I wanted to sleep, so I just came up with something! I will try to make it more "catchy" next time.
4/2/2016 02:51:47 pm
Last Week's blog post was creating your character and this week it is about dialogue. Mine is not two people yelling and arguing instead they are arguing over text. So here is the link to my argument!
Emily (Again)
4/2/2016 02:53:17 pm
I did on Docs because my layout would be messed up if I did it right on the blog.
It was really good Emily, cool layout!
4/4/2016 09:14:50 am
you r fun-ee
4/4/2016 09:15:50 am
I lik u
i like it
4/3/2016 05:40:26 am
Good Job
4/3/2016 06:56:07 am
That was sooooooo good.
4/5/2016 04:20:03 pm
Your story slays.
4/4/2016 09:19:29 am
Love it!
4/6/2016 02:37:33 pm
It's really good Emily
4/3/2016 07:42:12 am
Today I will be telling you about my character George Peterson's argument. Here it is. George's argument was with his friend Chris.
4/3/2016 06:47:30 pm
That's really good
4/3/2016 07:02:56 pm
We last left off when Masons classmates surprised him with a surprise party for his birthday and he was thrilled!
4/4/2016 01:02:57 pm
This chapter starts off when Joey just played basketball.
Great argument!
4/4/2016 05:46:44 pm
That's really good
4/6/2016 02:32:23 pm
4/4/2016 06:13:15 pm
In my last chapter my character Megan found her first friend. Her name was Stacey. She was the girl Megan talked to on the bus. Now Megan and Stacey are in a huge fight. This is how it all started...
4/5/2016 05:35:43 pm
Bach and his friends were playing outside in the summer. They were playing soccer in the soccer field.
4/6/2016 12:40:29 pm
Last weeks homework was very fun because we made our own charters. Mine was Billy power and he had to go to school after the long summer break. But if you think the first day was bad you should look at his second day.
Aidan Roseland-Barnes
4/6/2016 01:49:34 pm
If my character got in an arguement it would look like this:
4/6/2016 02:33:15 pm
Ding the bell went and all the students got up to go to the next class. I almost made it to the next class (which is math) but 2 of mean girls came up and started to talk to me.
4/6/2016 06:30:59 pm
Nice job, very well written!👌🏻👌🏻
4/6/2016 02:45:42 pm
My argument is with Lucy and her sassy neighbor Macy.
4/7/2016 12:39:54 pm
Connor #AKA ?
4/6/2016 03:05:36 pm
Bryan T. Amazing was spending the day off at his friend, Ham's place. After resting, Ham asked Bryan if he wanted to play Super Smash Bros. with him, but Bryan wanted to play Super Mario Maker. Bryan said that he wanted to play a different game, and Ham didn't react nicely. Ham got out his malt bag (it was stale) and used it as a mace, and Bryan reacted quickly by doing that cool move in "Matrix", and luckily he avoided it, and grabbed the malt bag and threw it in the corner. Ham yelled that Bryan was a brony (which was an insult to Bryan) and then Bryan said that Ham's face looks like a Lego brick.
4/6/2016 05:14:46 pm
It was sunday Jay called his friend Thomas if he want to come to my house and play basketball.
4/7/2016 01:26:39 pm
4/7/2016 06:03:04 pm
Last week was really fun writing the short story's for our characters in their first day of grade six. It was really fun making up my characters attitude and personality. For me the thing that was the hardest was making up a flaw for my character. I found that challenging because I wanted it to be something creative and unique but not something to crazy because then I would have trouble fitting it into my story. But even though it was challenging it was still really fun because you can make you own story how ever you want it to be.
4/7/2016 06:13:06 pm
Rinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng awww be quiet I said to my alarm I don't want to get up it's a saturday I want to sleep in I am so exhausted from my first week of school. I just want to sleep in tell 10:05 thats all im asking.
4/7/2016 06:39:34 pm
Creating the character was really entertaining and it was fun deciding who you wanted to create with no outlines or boundaries, so when I saw that our blog post was related to our characters that we made last week I was very exited and happy so here is my argument between Donovan and his dad:
4/7/2016 06:49:29 pm
The next morning:
4/7/2016 07:11:11 pm
Last week's blog post was so much fun to do! I was having so much fun describing my character and creating a flaws and personalities for her! Anyways let's begin with the argument that Alison gray had with her parents
4/8/2016 11:35:41 am
Last week's blog post was ok I don't like to create my character
4/12/2016 04:20:31 pm
4/12/2016 06:15:24 pm Comments are closed.
Mr. Steltman's ClassOur blog will be using inspirational quotes, news articles and more as jumping off points to showcase our digital footprint, ideas, and writing. Archives
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