“What would you try if you knew you couldn’t fail?”
Mr. Steltman - Redirecting ... |
![]() I have been so proud of each and everyone of you over the past two weeks. As a class, you are truly kind, caring, and compassionate. You work hard in class and stay focussed. I have been incredibly proud of the dedication and effort that you put into the robots, the excitement and engagement I’ve seen as you take on codesters, as well as your efforts in math club and Annie Jr. Thanks so much for being so great. As we think about inspiration, iteration and ideas of pushing ourselves forwards let’s continue that idea for your blog post. I want you to think to yourself, what would you try if you could not fail? What would you try that was different, what would you be, how much further could you go if you knew that you couldn’t fail? Is fear of failure or rejection stopping you from accomplishing something you’ve always wanted to do? Shoot for the stars and this week, tell us, “What would you try if you knew you couldn’t fail?”
Josh ( I deleted It Again)
4/6/2017 12:59:10 pm
This is just a summary of what I wrote the first time. So basically, if you believed that dying was a failure, you wouldn't ever die, blah blah blah, and that you would often be convinced to work for people in army's because you can never die, and you invincible and all that, and if I could never fail, I would jump off the CN tower. Done.
4/6/2017 05:48:58 pm
Congrats Josh, *claps*.
4/7/2017 04:46:17 pm
*Slow clapping*
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 06:06:54 am
TICKET::::::::::::::::: 2 wrong words
To Grammer Police
4/10/2017 12:46:23 pm
I can only find one mistake. And, how would you know if a period is missing?
4/10/2017 04:24:05 pm
To Grammar Police, it is second Grammar Police
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 05:10:35 pm
I know the period is missing because I know what a proper sentence looks like and what types of words and such go where, and where it would make sense to put a period. So, I guess that Josh wasn't exactly wrong, but he could have done it better.
4/6/2017 01:06:18 pm
if I never failed, I would learn to drive, and I would try every skill there is in gymnastics I am kinda happy we do fail though beacause you learn from falling, boring sappy stuff,and would get a job and do what I want.
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 06:09:12 am
TICKET::::::::::::: 1 missing capital
I like trains!
4/10/2017 02:37:35 pm
You mean 2 misspelled words?
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 05:11:31 pm
I Like Trains, you got me. Thanks.
4/6/2017 02:00:49 pm
If I knew I couldn't fail I would try do do my best for everything I can manage. I would also practice every thing just in case. I would practice everyday as well so I could be better at everything. If failure wasn't an option I would never try anything dumb or risky like jumping of the C.N tower (*josh*). I wouldn't join the army or be a pilot or do any job that might risk your life
4/6/2017 05:48:15 pm
TICKET ::::::::: Apparently, it is not possible to be good at everything.
Lin Xin
4/10/2017 01:05:29 pm
He never said he wanted to be good at everything.
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 06:12:38 am
TICKET::::::::::::::::: 1 missing comma
To Lin Xin
4/10/2017 02:26:19 pm
It did Linx.
Lin Xin
4/11/2017 02:16:29 pm
It said that he would try his best at everything and he would try to be better at everything
4/6/2017 02:16:28 pm
If I knew I couldn't fail, I would try almost every idea I turn down in my day to day life. I understand it sounds like I'm just trying to get the easy way out with this but I have a reason. The reason we don't chase our dreams, no matter how distant, is because of fear. Fear we are going to embarrass ourselves, or spend our lives on a lost cause, or get severely hurt or injured or die. All of these are situations where you would be failing. But to finish the dang question! I would try writing books, genetically modifying animals so I could name them after random objects, ice climbing (was going to try it last winter with my Aunt but never got to it), and heck, I would rob a bank (also muddle in dark arts)! Lots of ideas would grant endless happiness and I hate those ideas! sadness is a natural human emotion and with it I am more human than anyone else who tries to drown it out. Well anyways! That's what I'd do if I couldn't fail!
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 06:15:28 am
TICKET:::::::::::::::: 1 missing comma
To Grammer Police
4/10/2017 12:49:08 pm
How would you know a comma is missing?
No User
4/10/2017 02:36:24 pm
Right here Nathan:
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 05:13:14 pm
Again, because I know what a proper sentence looks like.
The REAL Nathan
4/20/2017 01:31:05 pm
Imma just say, To Grammar Police, is not me
4/6/2017 02:18:14 pm
I forgot a capital after I hate those ideas!
Grammar Police (Not the real one; It's Kate)
4/7/2017 05:24:53 pm
TICKET:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 'I hate those ideas' should be in apostrophes, like I just did.
4/9/2017 12:37:54 pm
It was a correction and you understood what I meant!
Grammar Police (Hint (I LIKE TRAINS) Brian)
4/11/2017 12:29:31 pm
TICKET::::::::::::::::: Stop being grammar police.
Fake Grammar Police (Daniel)
4/7/2017 12:35:47 pm
Apparently, Nathan forgot a capital!
4/10/2017 02:34:19 pm
Nathan, it was a joke.
4/7/2017 01:19:47 pm
If I could any thing with out failing I wouldn't do anything. I wouldn't do anything because I don't want to not fail. The one thing that makes a dream a dream is the fact that you might fail. If you could do everything than you would never dream. if you don't dream you can't plan anything fun or good. Dreams are ideas ideas are decisions decisions are actions actions is why the world for me works. Sometimes stuff like failing is a good thing. In your mind you learn by mistakes with out failing mistakes can't be made. If you think about failing is actaully the best thing in life. Take the chocolate chip cookie for example. What happened I think is a guy tried to make oatmeal cookies. the guy spiled chocolate chips into the batter by mistake and the chocolate cookie was born. I am not shure if thats true or not but mistakes or failers. So thanks to failer we have the chocolate chip cookie! That is only one example of failer for thing and total sucsess for another. Like one of the think about that today things: shoot for the moon and if you miss you land in the stars. failer is the comet you hit off of when you shoot for the moon. Stars are really bright and the moon is reflecting a stars light calling people. The stars are will you want to be and failer will get you there.
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 06:25:14 am
TICKET::::::::::::::: 9 missing commas
4/7/2017 05:26:38 pm
Now, I want to be honorable here and say that I wouldn't want to do something without failing, because then where's your sense of success right? But, then I'd be lying. There are so many doors not failing opens up. If I could, I'd find a studio that does acro. (Not acro gymnastics. Yes, acro is a type of dance too.) I've wanted to do this for several years now, but was too afraid. Of the pain it might bring me. Of my lack of proper training. My lack of technique. My lack of strength. Of not being accepted by my peers because DUH, they're better than me. There's also the pesky fact that my studio doesn't do acro, and I obviously can't be in two studios at once. Of course, I would never leave the studio I'm in now. I couldn't leave. I don't want to. But if I was allowed to be in two studios at once, I would audition for the acro team. Because of this whole 'not failing' thing, I would instantly make it on the team. I wouldn't have to practice. Everything would just come to me. But if it were that easy, I would persuade my current teacher to include acro in our studio and BAM! Problem solved. If I couldn't fail, I'd do everything the world has to offer. Heck, the universe has to offer! I'd go to space! There's no chance of me failing right? I would do everything in just one day. Remember, I can't fail. I would do everything no one could ever do, because I can't fail. Life would be a breeze! I could alter the course of my path with just a thought! I could go back in time and fix every stupid mistake I've ever made. I could travel into the future, come back, and be top of the class! I could fix pollution, poverty and crime in less than an hour because I can't fail. There's nothing I couldn't do to better myself and others. I'd do EVERYTHING that exists and then invent new things to do so I don't get bored. Because again; I can't fail. Heck, with this kind of power, I could get rid of all bad governments and gain control of the world in one fell swoop! My life would perpetuate into a state of blissful immortality if I wanted it to. I'd do everything possible and everything impossible, because I simply CAN'T FAIL!
4/9/2017 12:40:49 pm
I just realised that if this actually happened Kate (and everyone else) would have infinite power, a world I don't want to live in...
4/10/2017 02:07:24 pm
Not trying to criticize your work (maybe I am) but you have a ticket.
4/10/2017 05:14:36 pm
Thanks Daniel, didn't catch that.
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 08:09:15 am
TICKET:::::::::::::::: 1 wrong word
Daniel (x2)
4/10/2017 02:20:55 pm
4/10/2017 05:15:16 pm
My life would perpetuate into a state of blissful immortality if I wanted it to. Would should be could.
4/7/2017 05:40:42 pm
Failing is a good way to learn your mistakes, and it is an essential piece of our life's. We all want to start from being successful to rich or whatever it is but you have to start from the beginning and work all the way up to in order to achieve it. We've all have made mistakes in our life's, (especially me). At Thursday, I was trying to remind everyone that the circuit border works on chrome books, and I didn't notice that I accidentally wrote it on a whiteboard with a sharpie. Yes, I looked at myself and I was playing stupid. However, that was a very small mistake that I have made in my life.
Daniel (x2)
4/8/2017 05:28:54 pm
I am okay with drama.
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 08:15:36 am
TICKET:::::::::::::: 1 wrong sentence
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 08:16:14 am
* 5 unclear sentences
To Grammar Police
4/10/2017 02:27:43 pm
I can't find any spelling mistakes. Through, thanks for your advice!
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 05:16:53 pm
The misspelled words is when Daniel put life's. It should be lives.
4/9/2017 06:25:53 am
If I could never fail I would make a video game. I'm not taking about those games that all you do is click and drag or jump on platform games. I'm taking about a full get things---explore---fight people---beat a boss at the end to win, type of game. And the game will never fail. Also from that game I could start a business. Yup a business. Just imagine having a business that would never fail. I could be rich and be able to make a whole series of games to go with it. Scared of failing has always been my flu but if I couldn't fail I would be able to push myself to the max .That is two things I would do if I couldn't fail.
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 08:20:22 am
TICKET:::::::::::: 2 grammatically incorrect sentences
4/13/2017 04:33:53 am
I know the second one. But we're is the incorrect sentences
4/9/2017 07:04:16 am
If I could never fail.I will make a mechanical can let me lost my memory therefor, I can't remember I can't fail.Yup.Than I will play the Go( A kind of chess )I don't know I never lost, so I just play Go like the normal people play.If I win, I will feel great.If is a draw game, I will feel nothing, If I lost oh I forget I can't lose.After 1 year, I will remember anything. I will use that machine to lose my memory aging, than do something else.HAHAHA
Grammar Police
4/19/2017 03:18:33 pm
TICKET:::::::::::::::: 2 missing commas
70m45 7h3 g0d
4/9/2017 04:23:25 pm
I really don't know what I would try...
Tomas( I forgot something)
4/9/2017 04:24:18 pm
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 08:24:26 am
TICKET:::::::::::::::: 2 missing commas
4/11/2017 12:31:19 pm
His name is Tomas the god
Lin Xin
4/10/2017 01:51:44 pm
If I could not fail what would I do? Hmm... I would invent a machine, with wings, so I could fly. Yes, there are planes, but I don't think that is actually like a bird or something. I wouldn't actually do it now because if the machine works then suddenly doesn't work, I would be in midair then falling to my death. And let me tell you, I DO NOT WANT TO DO THAT!!! And before I make the machine, I will have to probably take a lot of courses that I won't understand and study a lot. If I wouldn't fail, then my motto will be... I believe I can FLY (actually it wouldn't be that)!
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 03:03:16 pm
TICKET:::::::::::::::::::::: 1 missing comma
4/10/2017 03:51:02 pm
If I knew I could not fail, I would do whatever I wanted to do, for instance I could fly, I could run extremely fast, I could teleport myself wherever I wanted to, I could only eat food I like and stay fit, I could stay fit without exercising. I could do whatever I wanted, there's plenty I would do if I could not fail. Though I think this is not quite what I was meant to do for the blog post this week, this is what I would do if I knew I couldn't fail.
4/10/2017 04:33:07 pm
If I knew that I couldn't fail, I would never doubt myself. I know that a lot of people doubt themselves because they think they can't do it. I would never say how "I can't do this or, I ca't do that!" I would say that "I can do or, I will do it!" I would also be the best in my trampoline class and get my double front pike. Those are things I would do if I couldn't fail
Grammar Police
4/10/2017 05:08:08 pm
TICKET::::::::::::::::: 1 misspelled word
EVAN plz no Grammar Police
4/10/2017 05:22:40 pm
If I knew I couldn't fail, I would try every single risk that would come at me in the day. For example I was walking to school and then there were two paths, one was a dangerous path with a train passing by. The other one was friendly with unicorns and rainbows . I would take the dangerous path. Another one would be at Niagara Falls where the boat was about to plummet down and people would jump off when I would stay on.
4/10/2017 05:28:52 pm
53 Comments Already? Wow.
TICKET :::::::::::: You forgot a comma after (For example).
4/11/2017 04:58:34 pm
Grammar Police
4/11/2017 05:26:27 pm
TICKET::::::::::::: 1 missing comma
Grammar Police
4/11/2017 05:26:39 pm
TICKET::::::::::::: 1 missing comma
Feroz( I ain't going to get any tickets) PROMISE!!!
4/10/2017 05:41:15 pm
I think we should all do our best to not fail. One of the reasons is because we all have had mistakes and people have been thinking oh it's a little mistake.Well it doesn't matter how big or small of a mistake you made you should always try your best not to. Even if you do make a mistake you can also try not to repeat them again . People have also misjudged this and have been to hard on themselves. For example if you accidentally broke your friends toy or a thing they like they will obviously be mad at you. You don't want to be too hard on yourself but you still got to know it was your fault . You can also get yourself into a I CANNOT FAIL NO MATTER WHAT SITUATION!!!!!!! When you come across this problem you should always stay focused no matter what . The reason why you should stay focused because if you don't then that is when you will mess up so it is very important that you stay focused otherwise you will make mistakes in your life .
It is your boy Evan
4/11/2017 04:52:26 am
in this Check how i did grammar cops!!! you only need one and you forgot a capital I
Grammar police
4/11/2017 12:32:39 pm
TICKET::::::::::::::: 1 missing capital on "i"
4/11/2017 05:33:32 pm
Evan, there were more mistakes than that. Plus, let me do my job and criticize people XD.
Grammar Police
4/11/2017 05:31:50 pm
TICKET:::::::::::::: 1 grammatical slip up
Grammar Police
4/16/2017 02:08:11 pm
Like the fact that you are going to promise that you're not going to get tickets but you wrote *Check how I did Grammar cops* XD.
4/11/2017 12:44:54 pm
If I could never fail I would do everything that I usually would not do. Why would hold back if you could never fail, I would build city's just to burn them down, I would rob a bank, I would learn dark magic. Who am I kidding I would build transporters, I would stop pollution and global warming, but why stop there the possibilities are infinite. I would build a train with Link on it waving the master sword like Queen Elizabeth and her scary wave, HA while I am at it I would try to mimic that and become the hippie that imitates people as they walk by on the side walk (Looking at you Nathan with your nightmare giving smile). I would become a millionaire and take over Donald Trump and his fellow Americans, but why stop there. Because you would be to over confident you would lose who you were and join me in the underworld for people that are not for that world (Our Class). I think that fear and embarrassment are good feeling to have every once and a while but if I could do anything... You know what, lets just leave this at a happy not and not talk about my future (and the death of the world). So end of story don't rob a bank (Once again, everybody in our class).
Lin Xin
4/11/2017 02:19:58 pm
I think we have our record. 60 comments!
4/12/2017 01:30:47 pm
71 so far!
4/14/2017 05:18:49 pm
93 so far!
Grammar Police
4/11/2017 05:37:32 pm
TICKET:::::::::::::: 5 missing commas
4/12/2017 01:22:10 pm
How much would that be. Also Check or bills.
4/12/2017 12:43:57 pm
I would do a lot of things if I could never fail, but I kinda like it how you can fail, it makes life more, well interesting. If I could never fail I would make a time machine, so I could go back in time. It would be really cool to go back in time and see everything happen again and even see things that I did not see before. I would also make a machine that could make you invisible, because hey, every person want to become invisible right? I would not do anything dumb or stupid, just because you can't fail doesn't mean it's right. I know maybe turning invisible and time travelling isn't right ethither, but whatever it would be really cool to do that. I would probably do a lot more things then that but, this is just some of the things I would do.
Grammar Police
4/12/2017 02:03:23 pm
TICKET::::::::: 5 missing commas
4/12/2017 02:28:51 pm
Grammar police I know your right but I don't really see any. Can you tell me where I made the mistakes.
4/12/2017 01:28:59 pm
What I would I do if I could not fail, well I would do lots of things except for doing dangerous stuff like Travis did. I would like to be a technologist and if I knew I could not fail I would succeed more. I would also make tech to save Earth from global warming. If I could not fail I would make a force field so asteroids won't damage earth and if the sun turns into a gas giant, and earth dries up we won't die. YAY us, Sun BOOOO.
4/12/2017 02:05:02 pm
TICKET:::::::::::::::: 2 unclear sentences
4/12/2017 02:33:58 pm
I don't think that's how it works Emran.
Josh I re-did mine I wasn't Proud with it.
4/12/2017 03:02:17 pm
If I couldn't fail. Hmm. That could be invincibility. Because if you believed that dying is a failure, then you couldn't fail. Also in which you couldn't die. Sorry I should've said those two the other way around. But this, this could be something anybody. Sorry, everybody has wished for or at least has thought of in their life. Unless you haven't. Thank you for proving me wrong. But basically, you would never look like an idiot, never fail, never fall, never be underestimated. You would be someone and I should say a lot of people's hero's. Someone to look up to. But again, you would be guilted into doing things for other people a lot. Like, people could ask you to help out in an army, and you can not say no, because they would give many reasons why you should help. "You can't die, Just give us some time!". If I couldn't fail I would try to do the impossible. No not jump out of a helicopter from an amazing height without a parachute and land through a tiny hole in a ceiling onto a trampoline. It would be to try and high jump onto the CN tower.
Grammar Police
4/12/2017 06:07:51 pm
TICKET::::::::::::::: 3 missing commas
4/12/2017 03:09:22 pm
If I knew that I couldn’t fail? First, I would rather learn every skills in skating, and I will skate very freely and beautifully. When I skate I can follow the music and dance on the ice. Second I like to venture, especially for the space explorer, if I could not fail, I wish humans can land on Venus that we can explore something, it will be a real amazing venture.
Grammar Police
4/12/2017 06:09:54 pm
TICKET::::::::::::::::::: 1 grammatically incorrect sentence
4/12/2017 05:15:54 pm
I would do a lot of things if I couldn't fail. I would make a time travel machine, so I could travel back to the past or the future. It would be really cool to experience the things that happened in my life, and the things I missed. But failing is a part of our life, it makes our life meaningful. If we can do everything without failing, then no one would have dreams and that way everything would be boring. We learn from our mistakes, failing is a part of success.
Grammar Police
4/12/2017 06:11:07 pm
TICKET:::::::::::::::::::: 1 wrong word
4/13/2017 01:32:46 pm
Dream (I Put Capitals Cause I Wnated To, It Looks Better)
4/13/2017 05:19:02 pm
If I Could Try Something And Not Fail It Would Be Skateboarding, Becuase Everyone Knows *cough* *cough Ty Morgan *cough* *cough
4/14/2017 08:07:42 am
TICKET::::::::::::::::: All capitals
Grammar Police (Dream)
4/13/2017 05:20:42 pm
TICKET:::::::::::::::::::: All Words Trated With A Capital
Grammar Police
4/14/2017 05:17:44 pm
Trated isn't a word.
4/13/2017 06:11:17 pm
If I couldn't fail at anything I did I would try lots of things, one thing that I really want to accomplish is to try basically everything. If I like it I'll continue doing those activities and if I don't, well I won't do it again. I hope nobody can have to ability to never fail because that wouldn't be a good life. You need to take risks and challenges, instead you can do things over and over and fail again and again, but you wouldn't enjoy that actual feeling of learning. This is just my opinion on never failing, so yeah.
4/14/2017 08:10:21 am
TICKET:::::::::::::::::::: You spelled your name wrong
4/13/2017 06:17:00 pm
if i couldn't fail i would achieve unlimited power!!!!!
Grammar Police
4/14/2017 08:18:04 am
TICKET:::::::::::::::: 22 missing capitals
4/14/2017 06:16:29 pm
If I could not fail I would audition for a big movie and be a movie star.
Grammar Police
4/15/2017 06:46:21 am
TICKET::::::::::::::: 2 missing commas
4/16/2017 07:28:28 pm
If I could not fail at anything I would become super saiyan (no explanation needed). Something different I would try would be exotic food that would probably make me sick and give me indigestion. If I knew I couldnt fail I would take it way higher to super saiyan level 8 or 9 for the heck of it ill try level ten.
Grammar Police
4/18/2017 04:51:37 am
TICKET:::::::::::::::::::: 5 missing commas
4/18/2017 04:02:14 pm
4/18/2017 04:03:56 pm
NOW IS 100 COMMENTS !!!!!!!! 😯
I made it 101
4/19/2017 06:57:01 am
I made it 102
4/19/2017 12:33:53 pm
4/20/2017 12:12:34 pm
Failing is good for your brain mistakes make you brain better smarter
Grammar Police
4/20/2017 12:26:17 pm
TICKET::::::::::::::::::: 2 missing periods
4/20/2017 07:13:44 pm
If i could not fail I would like to be an inventor and it would be a lot easier since you couldn't fail and you could invent anything on your first attempt. Since you couldn't fail though, you wouldn't be able to learn from your mistakes.
4/20/2017 07:14:33 pm
that was probably the longest i have ever wrote for an blog post even though it wasnt very long....
5/2/2017 11:15:25 am
if i couldn't fail i would do back flips on the ground and an Ariel. failing Comments are closed.
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