For your blog post this week, I’d like each of us to write a paragraph (or more if you’d like). I would like you to use descriptive language (think your FIVE senses) to describe an event, lesson, or experience that you’ve had in class so far that has made you feel proud to be a part of 6-2! I can start.
The sun was streaming in through the streaked windows, and there was a hum of energy in the classroom. Students could be seen in the class, not in just their desks but throughout the room, working in groups of 1, 2, 3, and more, talking quietly and focussing. I felt proud as I walked around the room seeing what each group was working on. There was two different groups of students working on building robots; they were focussed and kind, talking and building each other up, working towards a common goal. Each other student was also hard at work, either alone or in a group but working on something meaningful, pushing themselves to be better today than they were the day before. The class looked, felt and sounded like learning, and I was so proud to be their teacher.