Hang ten my friends!
This week we’ve been focussing on writing powerful introductions and looking at ways to ‘hook’ our readers into wanting to read more. We want to write using descriptive language, using our senses to connect our readers to the actions in our writing. We have looked at getting our readers emotionally invested in what we’re writing through the choices we make. This week, your challenge is to practice this. Watch the above 360 video (you can look around while the video plays) and use your best descriptive language, describe what is happening in the video, create the experience you’ve viewed with your eyes with the words you write. Hook your readers in, so that they feel what you felt watching but only by reading it!
Hang ten my friends!
10/1/2020 01:47:50 pm
There I was in the crystal clear water swimming underneath the waves in Tahiti when finally they crashed on top of me. This created a cloudy explosion all around me and it was my job to swim through it so that I could see again. From here I grabbed my surfboard and started surfing on top of the crashing waves. As I continued to ride in my lime green water shirt, a tsunami wave came creeping up behind me and I rode under it keeping my balance. Then I rode off into the distance.
10/1/2020 03:50:00 pm
I felt like a real suffer through the entire thing it was soo cool
10/1/2020 04:31:56 pm
your in the middle of the ocean as you see a colossal wave come your way, but instead of swimming away, you swim to it, you keep on going and when its almost here you get up and start getting ready as the wave get closer and closer. you close your eye and when you open them, your getting carried by the wave as you fly through the tunnel of water. the end. :)
10/2/2020 01:09:51 pm
As the deep blue waters absorb my body, I feel lighter than air. While I'm under the water I see the corals of all different colours, as I'm enjoying my swim I see out of the corner of my eye... A huge wave! I tried to swim away from it but it was to quick and I knew I had to go into it, I closed my eyes hoping that it'd just be over, when I opened my eyes the last thing I saw were the waves caving in....
10/2/2020 04:13:18 pm
There I was crystal clear water and the gorgeous mountains it was like I was in Paradise. I got on my surfboard. Started to catch the waves it felt amazing when. I was on the waves. It looks so gorgeous, the sun was reflecting off the ocean and it made such a beautiful Sparkle. It was the most beautiful thing ever, as I was hitting the water when I fell off the surfboard the ocean was so refreshing. It felt like paradise!
10/3/2020 06:16:34 am
there I was see through water going on a nice water surf as. I was under water I decided to surf then a big whale jumped up and made a huge wave. I closed my eyes as i thought it was the end but when it was all over I was in the water swimming back to shore.peace out
10/3/2020 11:13:52 am
There I was surfing in cristle clear water in Tahiti. Then a giant wave came and pushed me off my surfboard I had to swim to up to see. So then I got my sufboard and got up just in time to cach another wave. Then I swam with my surfboard and whent to the shore.
10/4/2020 07:56:11 am
I see the ocean in the Caribbean and a surfer surfing through the clear blue water
10/4/2020 09:35:25 am
I am here, in this deep blue ocean. I am riding the waves. I go under and I see the coral reef. The water is crystal clear; there I find peace. In a moment I see a crowd of different species of fish and other ocean life. I pull my head up and see the glorious view of the mountains. The large majestic waves are swirling around me and the sun hits me. I can feel my skin getting absorbed by the sun. Then, a big splash! The water is warm and pleasant to feel. After that we just followed the water to see where it would take me.
10/4/2020 03:57:05 pm
At the bottom of the ocean the water was very calm and quite. Through the clear water you can see the coral living. my body felt free and very airy in the ocean. As I came up to the top of the water I could hear the hard waves crashing into the ocean. The waves were pushing me to shore. I looked to she what was disturbing my peaceful snorkeling. First I saw the big waves crashing into the water and I saw people surfing on there long colorful boards. i decided to watch the surfers well i sat on the
10/4/2020 04:09:32 pm
It feels like i'm a real surfer, and scuba diver after seeing the the surfers surf and see the them swim right beside the coral reef. It felt so real I thought that I was in Hawaii
10/5/2020 01:42:50 pm
I was swimming around past coral and fish. It was such clear water then suddenly, the wind started to pick up. Waves bigger than I was. I knew I needed a surfboard. I swam back to shore and got my surfboard. I was riding the wave this was so cool they where so big. Suddenly, a huge wave was coming my way!
10/6/2020 01:28:07 pm
I was looking at all the amazing coral underwater when all the sudden, I lifted my head and saw the perfect wave I had to get ready and fast! The wave was not to big not to small and the water was a clear blue. as I got on my board everything was in slow motion, until I got the wave and the pristine water started to crest over my head, It was so amazing. Randomly Christopher came up next to me on the wave and we took the most amazing selfie on this planet!
10/6/2020 05:13:00 pm
i was in the crystal clear water of tahiti near the large mountin up in the ln the light sky looking at all the diffrent coullerd fish and i go up and surf a awsome wave that was over me wondering were this wave would take me
10/7/2020 05:05:28 am
I dove under the water, the waves crashing over me and blocking out the sun like huge thunder clouds. It was quiet under the water with no seagulls, the ocean floor was an array of colours and plants. I could see a wave coming at me so I launched up to my surf board. The waves were giant, bigger than me. The wave came closer and then hit me. It encased me and then I crashed out of it. Waiting for a new wave, I laid down on my surfboard and let my friend try.
10/7/2020 02:14:49 pm
As I got on top of my surfboard I looked around, the wind blowing in my long blonde hair. I saw a giant wave, i started swimming to it while listening to the peaceful noises of the birds. I got on top of my board and started to surf. As I was surfing I touched the wave I was inside the wave. The water was very calm and smooth. Once The wave ended I had fell into the water, I looked around all the beautifully coloured coralI went farther down and felt the coral, it was bumpy and and had raggid edges.
10/7/2020 04:32:53 pm
There I was surfing in the crystal clear water. As I look down I saw all of the beautiful fish blow me. Then Taking off on a wave a saw all of these fish flies under me and then the rubbing against me. I go under and I see the coral reef.then my foot gets stuck in something then I start to see stars and then............ THE END
10/7/2020 04:42:49 pm
I was in the blue waters of Tahiti soaring through the beautiful waves crashing on top of me. The mist of the waves hitting the water was delightful, and once a wave passed another clean wave would come along.
10/8/2020 11:58:26 am
The water was crystal clear as I swam over top of the coral reef. It was peaceful and very quiet and calm underneath the Tahiti rapid waves. I suddenly heard a loud crash sound in the water every thing went foggy blue and the crystal clear water was gone. Their it was the perfect wave as I swam closer and closer getting ready to jump on my surf board...their I did it the wave splashing salty water on my face I then did a cool tunnel surf, water going over my head. It really was the perfect surf!
10/8/2020 01:35:30 pm
You are in the middle of the ocean looking down at the Crystal clear water how it was beautiful it was. I looked down at all of the fish and the fantastic coral ref It was stunning . There was a huge wave coming up from above me finally it was right behind me. I surfed over it feeling the water splash down at my shoulders it felt so cool and refreshing. It was the perfect day to surf it was awesome.
10/8/2020 03:38:26 pm
Diving under the waves and watching the silky white of the foam off the wave and the coral looking bottom of the ocean was amazing.The 360 view made it feel like I was actually there and my bones felt like I was surfing.it was so cool
10/8/2020 03:41:57 pm
There you are swimming in the crystal blue water, coral under you and the warm bright yellow sun above, suddenly you find yourself surfing on the perfect waves on your colourful surfboard. Your paddling with your arms trying to catch the best wave possible, as the clear blue water starts to fall you stand up on to your surf board with full confidence and surf the perfect wave. Sun beaming on you, crystal clear water, surf board, that is called the perfect surf day.
10/8/2020 04:50:24 pm
Your surfing in the deep blue, having the time of our life. Waves coming, and touching the wave while underneath, being splashed by the water, but suddenly, you hear a loud scream, and you look behind you, and my friend is gone! Where could they have gone? I got off my surf board, looking for him, but he was no where to be seen.. Comments are closed.
Mr. Steltman's ClassOur blog will be using inspirational quotes, news articles and more as jumping off points to showcase our digital footprint, ideas, and writing. Archives
April 2023