For your blog post this week, I want you to pick one of these 8 traits and decide how you will use it this week, and what that will look like? Will you demonstrate passion during a sports event? Will you persist through a tough subject at school? Spend your time focussing on that ONE thing so you don’t spread yourself too thin. It's totally up to you what you pick but write down a plan and see if it helps!
How do you define success? Are you feeling successful? This very interesting TedEd talk by Richard St.John takes conversations that he has had with extremely successful people and he has found 8 traits or things that they all do that have helped them succeed.
For your blog post this week, I want you to pick one of these 8 traits and decide how you will use it this week, and what that will look like? Will you demonstrate passion during a sports event? Will you persist through a tough subject at school? Spend your time focussing on that ONE thing so you don’t spread yourself too thin. It's totally up to you what you pick but write down a plan and see if it helps!
12/3/2015 12:46:54 pm
I thought this video was so great! it motivated me to be a successful student and person.
12/3/2015 01:14:43 pm
After This video I felt Motivated to do something I am not very good at. 12/3/2015 03:10:57 pm
Good Job!!
12/3/2015 04:35:12 pm
This Video really inspired me to work harder and to do everything with a passion... Even though there are some things that I really don't like but I still do them,
this is a motivating speech probably one of the most motivating I've ever heard it is also very inspirational it inspired me to do lots of things to become a bigger person. The 8 traits can really help a lot of people like me and others it will most likely help everyone in this class or even Country many even this world we can all be led to success and achievements.
12/4/2015 12:37:01 pm
This Ted-Talk speech was extremely motivational speech for me.
Aidan Roseland-Barnes
12/5/2015 11:52:23 am
The trait I chose was improve because on last Friday my trombone teacher gave me a new scale, song and complete scales at 120 tempo.
12/6/2015 05:50:23 am
After watching the video the one trait that I chose is "Work really hard".
12/7/2015 12:43:21 pm
This week I want to WORK on my baking so I will make good Cookies for SANTA! I will work very hard so it tastes good for Santa! We are going to a Christmas Party and we have to bring desserts! My dad will make pouding chomeur and I will make LOTS of cookies. That will give me lots practice. I mess up EVERY time we make cookies but practice makes perffect!
12/7/2015 12:47:48 pm
I think that there is always something that you can do to make yourself better. But after watching this video I thought that the trait that I wanted to do was "Improve".
12/7/2015 01:01:10 pm
12/7/2015 02:04:35 pm
I am gonna try to push myself to get better at volleyball by practicing volleyball at my house and work on my skills at volleyball practice.
12/7/2015 02:59:50 pm
I really enjoyed watching that video because it was really motivational and really interesting,why is it interesting you might ask?, well his story started off but not knowing who he really was. he didn't know if he was successful or if he was how did he be successful.....?
Aidan P
12/7/2015 04:01:14 pm
I think this was a good video because it inspired me to try hard at school and never give up my mom is going to help me by giving me more and more math and word problems a day Intel I get better.
12/7/2015 05:24:15 pm
After watching the video and thinking about each trait, I decided to choose the trait "persist".
12/8/2015 12:51:36 pm
This video was very motivational because of the 8 traits.
12/8/2015 01:58:50 pm
Out of the 8 traits I choose focus
12/8/2015 05:17:17 pm
The trait that I will practice this week to demonstrate success will be to push myself to become a better learner. To do that I will not talk during a lesson or fool around with my friends. Instead I will pay attention, listen to others and if I need help I will ask for it so I can understand what we are learning.
12/8/2015 06:12:38 pm
This video was very helpful to me. After thinking about it the trait I choose"push" because I need to push myself to talk more.
12/9/2015 01:02:40 pm
One of the 8 traits I will work on this week is "Improve". I just recently made the jr girls volley ball team and I noticed quite a few skills I need to improve on, such as my serves and volley's.So this week I have been practicing the skills in my house or outside when I get the chance and have already noticed a great improvement.
Connor 0_0
12/9/2015 05:02:13 pm
The video inspired me to do something I'm not good at! like... math! *cue dramatic music* Hahaha I'm just kidding! But it inspired me to be successful, this time I'm not kidding. I will improve on stuff I'm not good at, like working as a video game designer! I always liked video games, so I will make my own video game, with a group! I want to practice on a coding website called scratch.
12/10/2015 06:24:55 pm
I really enjoyed this video I thought t was amazing because Richard is a amazing speaker he really inspired me he really inspired me to try my hardest and don't give up and I realized in this video what you need to do to succeed and be successful in life and any other thing that you might need succes
12/10/2015 06:33:19 pm
I found this Ted Talk by Richard St. John really inspiring because he talked to people who were VERY successful in life and this is the trait I chose
12/13/2015 03:44:09 pm
after watching this video I feel motivated to do something that i am not the best at. Out of the 8 traits to be I choose improve.
12/14/2015 04:41:19 am
I have trouble defending myself during karate cause i don't foucas.I focus on atacking so now try hard and focus to defend myself. Comments are closed.
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