Look at the quote to the left. Your task this week is something a little different, it’s time to spread some awesome. Do one thing this week that spreads some major awesome by drawing a name in class (keep it to yourself… shhhh!), and writing a letter to that person in your blog post, listing 3 reasons that make that person really awesome. They can be anything- but think about character traits- what this person shows and does that makes them unique, special and well, AWESOME! You will write your blog post in a letter format. Here’s an example.
Dear _______,
Did you know how totally awesome you are?! Well, you are! Here are three reasons that make you so great and appreciated.
- You are a great listener. You make people feel as though they are very important in the way you listen to them and show that you care.
- You are a hard worker. You use your class time super well and are always focused! It’s inspiring.
- You are inclusive. I love that you always invite people to play with you at recess and are friends with everyone.