For the post this week, all you’ll have to do is post your link to your slideshow and write down ONE thing you did that was amazing!
We’ll read all of these when we come back on the Monday!
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![]() March break is time of reflection and relaxation, a good time to get rejuvenated before the final push of the year. For your blog over the break this week, I’d like you to take some pictures of different activities and create a slideshow (no more than 10 slides) that showcases how you enjoyed your break. I will do the same. For the post this week, all you’ll have to do is post your link to your slideshow and write down ONE thing you did that was amazing! We’ll read all of these when we come back on the Monday!
3/17/2016 05:18:00 pm
3/18/2016 08:26:22 pm
WELCOME BACK FROM YOUR MARCH BREAK!!!! I don't know about you but it feels like March break started a day ago and has finished super quickly. My march break was fun but I do wish that we had more time for March Break. It also feels like I did the same thing every day over and over again. I don't exactly know what I am going to write because it's hard to get back in the routine but here it goes.
3/20/2016 12:21:25 pm
Sorry forgot to wrote my name!
3/19/2016 07:30:03 pm
On Monday I went to Toronto to stay over for two nights. On the second day we went to the CN tower and it was really fun. Their is a glass floor that could hold 3.5 whales. I was really scared to go on, mainly because little kids were jumping on the floor. I sprinted back and forth and finally got used to it and wasn't as scared anymore. I sat down at the other end with my cousin and we started to talk. He told me that he wasn't freaked out about it because it was cool. I started to think about that and the I layed down on the glass. I was relaxed. I slowly heard the sound of footsteps by my head and panicked. I looked down and almost vommited. I got up and ran to the elevator line and was ready to leave.
3/20/2016 11:10:31 am
On Wednesday March 16th I went to skateboard camp. I learned some new tricks and I had lots of fun but there was this one trick that I couldn't do since I was 10 years old so I decided to attempt it since they have something to grind on with my skateboard. How it works is I have to do an Ollie then try to do a nosegrind and then land it with a turn and stop. After 37 attempts of failing and getting hurt I got the hang of it.
3/20/2016 05:19:18 pm
You never give up.That is what makes you great.
3/20/2016 12:45:06 pm
March Break is almost OVER!!!! I know it went bye so fast, but we don't need to complain because I don't know about you but I had an AWESOME march break it was so fun we went to MEXICO, I have been there before but it is still always very fun, so instead of complaining about how March Break is over lets celebrate all the fun things we did over the march break here are my fun things that did over march break.
3/20/2016 12:46:17 pm
3/20/2016 02:43:52 pm
I hope you all had a great spring break! I had lot's of fun spending time with my family and and resting.
3/20/2016 02:51:13 pm
Yerin again oops
3/20/2016 02:53:43 pm
Bublé's funeral. But then I got distracted by her doughnut holes. We played a very funny game about picking flowers with grandma, as you can see, I didn't really understand it.
3/20/2016 03:48:39 pm
I cannot believe we have school tomorrow, how am I going to wake up! Although I feel refreshed and ready to learn. My march break was fun! It was great to spend time with my family and friends! I am going to tell you about one of my most eventful days during march break.
3/20/2016 04:30:13 pm
I can't believe that march break is over now. All those days of sleeping in are over and now we have to wake up at 7:00 am or 6:00 am if you a early bird like Sydney is.
3/20/2016 05:03:41 pm
On the holiday I painted a lot after my dad got me water colors.I also hurt my shoulder on the same day but I guess that doesn't really matter.So moving on I went over to Aiden's house.We played some hokey then we painted some abstract paintings because Aiden wasn't at school on Friday so i explained abstract painting and we painted.After that I painted many things.I also made my sister not the best birthday card.
3/20/2016 05:17:35 pm
I can't believe March Break is over. I have had a great time and really enjoyed relaxing. One of my favourite March Break memory is when I was at my cottage. I always have a good time there and our neighbours are so great. There are three kids: one is eight, one is six, and the last but not least is four. All of us play together and have a blast! We call them our "cottage cousins" because we see them a lot.
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3/20/2016 05:22:20 pm
3/20/2016 05:38:09 pm
On my March Break it was pretty sad because my only, last fish died underneath a plant and freaked me out because I thought he was just sleeping... But I was wrong. I also celebrated my dad's birthday with my family which was fun!
3/20/2016 06:07:18 pm
I can't believe that I have to go to school tomorrow and that march break is almost over!!!!! I don't know about you but for me march break went by just like that because I had such an amazing time. I was so exited when I got on the plane to go to mexico and even though I have been to this resort before and that time it was amazing it was still fantastic and it might be even better. March break was soooooooo fun !!!! and the only thing I wished that could of happened was that I would of had more time on march break.
3/20/2016 06:16:26 pm
My March Break was amazing and super and great!
3/20/2016 06:19:59 pm
one thing that I did that I loved was going to the Miami heat game it was so existing and I had a great time Miami won 124 to 119 ageist the Denver nuggets I loved the game so much I got a jersey I love it so much looking forward to seeing you again.
3/20/2016 07:24:15 pm
I can't believe that march break is already over! its gone by soooo fast!
3/21/2016 04:45:50 am
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