- What you enjoyed most about the trip (be descriptive)
- Something you learned while on the trip (again, be descriptive)
Mr. Steltman - Redirecting ... |
![]() This week we had the amazing opportunity to visit the Royal Ontario Museum. From the bus trip through Toronto, to the mummies, to the vending machines, there was something exciting for everyone. I was so proud of each and every one of you on the trip and when we have an awesome experience like that, it’s good to reflect on it. For your blog post this week I want you to write 1-2 descriptive paragraphs that answer the following 2 prompts:
2/23/2023 08:17:51 am
the trip we all went on was amzing i loved looking at the dinosaur stuff it was really cool seeing all the diffent type of animals and all of the other stuff like the bat cave there was bat all around and spider on the ground i also liked the animal stuff the arctic wolf was cool i liked the color of the furr i also liked the axolotl it looked really interesting and something i could learn about. i loved looking at the dinosaur the mammoth i leard that when they were little they lost a tusk or they were born with one tusk they also are about 12000 pounds they are like 4 or 3 car's i enjoyed the bus ride there and back to school
Jack Attack
2/23/2023 09:39:49 am
What I liked the most was going to see the mummy's. The mummy's took place in the Egyptian section. The mummy's
2/23/2023 09:45:50 am
the tripe very good and the antiquities that is amazing and the tour very toler I love Eroup side and the dinosaur and chain and i like the building and we are see old toys that is cool and the cave very good and we are enjoy in the bus we are set and them the bus going up tow and going to the class good by
Jack Attack, The Real one
2/23/2023 10:13:45 am
(sorry for the post, this is the real one)
Me or I
2/23/2023 03:04:59 pm
Ok, so this is going to talk about our field trip and my VERY fun time there.
Luke 0_0
2/23/2023 03:37:28 pm
I really enjoyed our field trip to the ROM because of the Egyptian mummy. It was a dead person from a long time ago wrapped up in a blanket. They only had two toes left, one toe on each foot they were extremely old the mummies were kept in a a sarcophagus the reason they did this is to prepare the body for the afterlife.
2/23/2023 03:59:31 pm
I really enjoyed our field trip to the ROM. The things that I enjoyed the most were the bat cave and the Biodiversity areas. I brought home one of the maps which helped me to remember the details about the trip.
Cha-Ching!! $
2/23/2023 05:13:33 pm
The part I liked the most is the MAMMAL section. The animal in the MAMMAL section that I liked was the magnificent baby arctic fox. It was adorable. It seemed it was looking at me or something, but somehow that terrified me a little bit. I also enjoyed the bat cave which was awesomely terrific! I couldn't explain if the cave was gray or black because it was completely dark. It's just that I love scary things (Such as horror) and I just couldn't help showing my weird exciting feelings.
2/25/2023 10:31:58 am
What I have enjoyed in the ROM was pretty much everything. My most favourite thing though is when we got into groups and explored everywhere in the museum. I loved seeing the mummies, skeletons of dinosaurs, and about the animals that live in the arctic. One place that was really intresting was when we went inside the bat cave. It was dark and kinda spooky but really fun to see. I pretty much enjoyed everything in the Rom but these are the reasons why I enjoyed it there.
Neslisah Cookie ??
2/26/2023 05:09:15 pm
At the rom with my group it was AMAZING. When we whent there with my our class i was happy to be in groups because we get to explore the whole museum.It was my first time at a museum and inside was very very cool i loved that place the dinosaurs where very cool and they where super super big the dinosaur i loved was the one that had the very long neck. The place that i really loved was the bat cave and the cristals because i have never seen a bat before and such beutifull cristals. Some thing i never knew was that when i see a mummy still had hair and that was some thing new that i learned from the Rom.💎
Alligator: on a Crocodile. :D
2/26/2023 05:14:34 pm
What i really liked about the ROM was that we got to see many different things we have never seen before, like the old dead mummies and the real animals that were stuffed, and it was really cool too. This place was pretty big and this owl we got to feel was really soft and satisfying for me because i have never felt an owl before, like it was really cool. We even got to see real big dinosaurs to like the long long neck one that i saw was really long and it did scare me a little but not that much. Even the statues and pretty shiny rocks we saw was incredible, it was so shiny the rock i saw was just too shiny i really liked them. One 1 thing i learned was that the statues and the other Egypt things those stuff belonged to other people in the past and now we look and see them today in different musems and places, we learn many things about them when we talk about them we learn a lot. The End.
it's me Benedict
2/27/2023 05:11:52 am
What I liked about the trip that everyone LOVED was when we had a tour and her telling us about animals and mummies and egypt and I really like it she also let us touch 3 stuff one was a doll / toy one was a thing you put one your eyes so snow doesn't go in your eyes and get in the way. The other thing I LOVED there was when we went to the jewel place I like it because we got to some of the biggest types of jewel in the world and they look so nice it was just a good time looking at all of those with my friends.
You'll never know
2/27/2023 05:40:38 am
Our trip to ROM was so much fun, not just for me but for everyone even if you've already seen it.
Aikucumber (●'◡'●)
2/27/2023 02:01:05 pm
On our trip to ROM it was so fun you see my group didn't see every thing but I have already been there so it was still fun . I really liked the panda in the what I think was the mammals room I can't remember .
Malachai + ratio + cookies
2/28/2023 06:58:54 pm
my favorite part was the vending machine that i nevered used
3/1/2023 03:44:08 pm
At the Royal Ontario Museum, (ROM) I learned a few new things and enjoyed a lot of the museum. I enjoyed everything about the trip, but something thing I enjoyed was the Egyptian category. The lesson was interesting, especially when we saw mummies. Seeing the mummies really had me interested. When I saw the animals, I saw large and really cool ones. I also mistaken an elephant for a rhino (they look alike to me). The next this is, I enjoyed the bus ride there. The bus ride back I was tired, but the bus ride there was too exciting! As we got closer to Toronto, I was more and more intrigued with the tall buildings. I even eventually saw the Sean Tower! Next, seeing the bat cave was cool. I got to walk through a creepy cave with my friends and I heard sound effects, making the cave really cool! Finally, I enjoyed my team. I was with most of my friends, and it was exciting to travel the museum with them! These are the things I most enjoyed.
хрустящий такис АСМР
3/1/2023 04:18:46 pm
The ROM was without a doubt the best field trip I've ever been on. It was really cool seeing the mummies and the bat cave (even though it was way smaller than i expected) was still so much fun! I loved looking at all of the sketotens of the dinosaurs because it made me think about how big they really were. (geez that brontosaurus was huge). And the fact that the vending machines had skittles. (they were delicous)(͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
same person
3/1/2023 04:19:34 pm
sorry that didn't work :( also please translate my name
Kenzie .R.
3/2/2023 07:24:59 am
At that ROM, I had a lot of fun. One of my favorite parts is when we went to go and see the dinosaurs, and when we saw this huge one(The picture on the front), when you looked up, you could see a giant Pterodactyl right above you. I also liked it when we stayed in the room where she left us, and I got to see all of the different types of dried up bugs on display. I liked this part because I thought it was cool to see how BIG some of the bugs were. I also liked the part when we saw a forest, and we had to try to find the 'missing' creatures loose in the forest; next to that, Aikam showed us a spot to go up a ramp, and if you went in a tunnel on the ground, you could pop your head up, and from the the spot on the ramp, it kinda' looks like the person in the tunnel was some sort of animal. I liked this part because when people poped there head up, it was funny.
3/2/2023 01:18:42 pm
what i enjoyed most about the trip is that i got to explore things that where made and created millions of years before me and some hundreds. Something i learned on the trip was about mummification and how it was done it really impressed me.
super luig 2.o +c=carter
3/2/2023 01:59:42 pm
what I love the most about the museum was the dinosaur exhibit something I learned about well on the trip there's many different varieties of culture weapons and other cool stuff
3/2/2023 02:29:42 pm
What I enjoyed the most in The ROM was the place that had the bat cave. That area had so much fun activities, such as drawing animal foot prints. I loved how they had a little thing to keep the bees in. It was a glass covered hive and the bees were alive in it. Another reason is because they had this cool bat cave, not a real one though. It was really dark, but in a couple of seconds it would turn on a light and you can see some fake bats in the corner. The other fun place was the fox cave where you can peak up your head in a glass dome and you see a moose next to you. I also enjoyed the dinosaur place where there were lots of cool fossils and I loved that they had a microscope to look at some of them. The gigantic bone structures of the dinosaurs were so interesting to look at. It made me think how small I actually am compared to them.
moooooooooooo rooder moooooooo
3/2/2023 03:43:20 pm
My favorite part is when we got to see the mumification because they looked like a real person how it had all the body parts. It lasted for 5000 years. When i got to see how tall we were I learned that dinosoaurs are actually tinier you think.I learned how many gods there are. I learned about one Ancient Egyptian god and what they ruled.
Aaliyah :)
3/2/2023 05:59:23 pm
The ROM was so fun and l loved the bus ride. I especially loved driving past my old neighbourhood. I used to live about 10 minutes away from the ROM before I moved to Burlington.
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3/2/2023 07:17:10 pm
I remember our trip to the ROM as it was the best one In grade 5 yet. I was in a group with Grady's grandma, Apollo, Grady, Benedict and me. We did a lot more than the another group's because Grady's grandmother spent a extra $23 on a attraction shout out to here by the way. Anyway were was I oh yes all of us in the group agreed that the best room was the gem room because of all its expensive finds. In conclusion the ROM was the best and my group was great. Comments are closed.
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