This week we have been focussing on writing catchy, powerful introductions that hook your readers into reading our recounts. For your blog post this week, I would like you to write an introductory PARAGRAPH (only 1) that will set up the telling of the news story that goes with the picture beside. This paragraph should accomplish three things:
For Example: Scientists notice strange phenomenon taking place! Animals addicted to smelling flowers! |
9/23/2016 12:22:00 pm
Have you ever wondered why all the animals like to smell flowers? Well today I'm going to tell you. If I ask you, there will be a lot of answers. The animals might like their smell, the animals might need them, and the animals might even be sick and need them to survive! There's different kinds of imaginations and answers, but which one is the truth? Today I will give you the answer to this question.
9/24/2016 01:27:23 pm
Latest News! Animals Have Taken to Smelling Flowers!
9/24/2016 01:51:02 pm
Breaking news, Scientists have just discovered that animals have been catching deceases from smelling flowers. I'm Felicity doe and your watching CBC. Welcome back everyone. Know today we have a scientist in to tell us about how animals are get sick and love smelling the flowers. SO anything to say Mr.OMG. Yes we have found that their is something inside of the pollen that is causing the animals to smell and then it makes them sick. We haven't found info evidence that will allow us to run a an test . We think that it is a micromin which is in the pollen that causes them to get really sick. The sickness is called ....... Find out tomorrow on CBC new I'm Felicity Doe and have a good night everybody.
Henry sun
9/24/2016 05:32:39 pm
Why do animals like flowers?In the animal kingdom, there are also many animals like flower , but scientists are still not lifted is this why?One thing is certain,flowers can make animals happy.
9/25/2016 07:27:20 am
Animals Tasting The Sense Of Flowers!
9/25/2016 01:18:12 pm
Where I wrote "But there is more particular chance", I men't *So there is more particular chance*.
9/25/2016 08:46:11 am
Have you lately seen the phenomenon. Animals smelling flowers! Scientist are trying to figure out this phenomenon. Scientist John Brad says" This phenomenon is actually a disease!". Police are coming and taking flowers to make sure yours or others animals don't getting this disease. Flower seller Talia pots sighs "My business is ruined!" Flowers are now temporarily banned from Canada, USA and Mexico. So far we heard Asia has banned them to. But still we have heard nothing from Europe, Africa and Australia. Scientists are looking for answers at this very moment. The scientists are collecting pollen from flowers to analyze it. Scientists have told us that the disease make animals addicted to smelling flowers. Also scientists have told us the disease is called Semaflower. This diseases will harm any animal other than us. Stay tuned for more breaking news!
9/25/2016 10:16:59 am
Sweet smelling flowers
9/25/2016 12:06:25 pm
Animals tasting the sweet smell of flowers!
9/25/2016 12:10:05 pm
I made a few mistakes when I was writing.
9/25/2016 01:42:41 pm
9/25/2016 04:02:31 pm
Animals have taken to smelling flowers this is a rare disease called Snificus Flowerofus. "This disease is like from another world" says multiple news station around Canada. "If this disease is possible what else can mother nature introduce to us" ask Canadians all over Canada. Scientists all around the world have been investigating this interesting but yet scary disease. Human DNA might have somehow transferred into animals around the world. How you ask, well scientists are still figuring this out. Animals are mostly attracted to a new type of flower called Animals Love Me. A wonder animals are sniffing these flowers. Until next time on R.O.P.S news.
9/26/2016 12:43:14 pm
As the animals smell the flowers, the last smell of earth the scientists say. But what better to get a last taste of earth than smelling a flower. A beutiful flower sits there. What happens is we all ignore it. We also ignore the fact that plants give off oxygen. That is why our world is going to destruction. All the devices. It's not the same as before. Plants can't keep up anymore, they can't produce oxygen with all the living madness behind our world. Our social lives. Biodiversity is dead. They say, it's causing world destruction. That's simply why they are smelling the flowers. Getting their last taste of earth. The innocent ones, the land users, the ones who never did anything for this to happen.
9/26/2016 01:03:18 pm
As you have noticed a strange phenomenon has happened at the local zoo, this warm and sunny day. Scientists have been researching and have two different hypothesis's one that is simple that they might have all discovered that they can drink nectar and scientists are still trying to prove that theory or as scientists call it a hypothesis an two that a new deasies called expermina atotos or in short form e.a, that scientist Dan Markedose named it. It is made up of bacterie that is very rare. Luckily, humans can't get effected.We will see you later for more updates. And now the weather.....
9/26/2016 01:24:45 pm
9/27/2016 01:31:04 pm
Everyone likes flowers, even for animals. Did you attract by these crazy pictures? Yes, animals like to smell flowers. They enjoy the smell of different flowers. But, do you know how scientists explain this strange things? Here are more informations for this research by scientists.
9/27/2016 03:04:19 pm
Hello every body and welcome to weird things news. Today we will be talking about animals but not just animals, animals that smell flowers. I don't know why animals like flowers so much but scientists have proven that the pollen from flowers attract different types of animals like birds, cats, dogs, rabbits and even monkeys and tigers.Animals like flowers so much every week they smell over 100 flowers that's crazy! Well that's it folks hope you have enjoyed this fascinating discovery hope you tune in next week on weird things news.
9/28/2016 01:34:48 pm
ANIMAL DISEASE:i don't think you've heard the news but a strange string of event has happened in the world of animals.animals love flowers.after testing the animals.scientist figured out what is causing this plant addiction.the diesease is called overprocket.which if you have a pet make sure it does 2 push ups a day for 2 and a half years.
9/28/2016 05:03:04 pm
Scavenger hunt
9/28/2016 06:32:40 pm
9/29/2016 12:58:23 pm
Sniff, Sniff...I smell something nice!
9/29/2016 01:22:17 pm
Animals smelling flowers? How strange! Recently animals have been smelling flowers and it's just so weird! Animals love to smell flowers? Your probobly wondering why animals love smelling flowers. Well I went out and talked to a scientist about this and there really isn't a lot of detail yet but scientists are hoping to find something soon. So that's all we know except for that they think maybe it's beacuse they are so sensitive to smells and they think the flowers smell so nice!
9/29/2016 01:45:49 pm
Thomas C.
9/29/2016 02:34:20 pm
Humans has now been obsessed with smelling bright flowers, it seems like the trees aren't getting enough attention. A couple weeks ago we had a article about how animals and pets were obsessed to smelling flowers, dogs liked purple flowers, cats liked yellow flowers, and now humans only likes the flowers if they are brighter than their own futures. Of course, now that people have the new google nose they could smell anything from many mile away. Even though more than half the 25 billion people population some are still normal, it seems like the only ones normal is the ones that haven't purchased the google nose....
Thomas C
9/29/2016 02:38:29 pm
Even though more than half of the 25 billion worldwide population, some are still normal.********************************
9/29/2016 02:38:50 pm
(Report Music Starts)Connor: This is Animals News reports when animals do crazy things with me Connor and Dom beside me today we will be talking about some pictures of animals smelling flowers and enjoying the breeze when they Breath in, Then breath out, us Animals News reports we think the first picture in the best picture when there are 2 monkeys smelling a flower together isn't that right Dom? Dom: Yes, yes that's true. Connor: There are some more pictures here but still tuned in to hear some more information right after the ad with Animal News reports. (Report Music Ends)
9/29/2016 06:21:41 pm
Animals have been smelling flowers for the last 3 months scientist have still not figured out what is going on . Until one person saw what was going on the flowers weren't just there because that it smelt good it was there because this gave the animals the joy to be happy. Now animals have recently not killing each other for so long.
10/1/2016 06:34:58 am
Mr. Steltman's ClassOur blog will be using inspirational quotes, news articles and more as jumping off points to showcase our digital footprint, ideas, and writing. Archives
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