Watch the above video at LEAST TWICE! Imagine that you needed to describe this scene to someone who was visually impaired. Write a paragraph describing what happens during the pelican’s first flight. Think of the descriptive phrases that would make this come alive to a someone who couldn’t see this themselves. Engage all of the five senses: sight, touch, smell, taste, sound. Take your time with your paragraph; it doesn't need to be long but it needs to have an impact. Each word matters and counts, so take your time and do your best work! I'm excited to read them next Friday.
9/17/2015 12:31:08 pm
A pelican with a white body,a yellow,long beak,and black and brown feathered wings,with big webbed feet,was found washed up on shore,after a big storm,the past night,it had lost it's family,and could no longer fly.A group of people attached a GoPro to the pelican's beak to capture the moment when they helped him learn to fly again.
9/17/2015 01:30:04 pm
An injured pelican swam to shore after a big thunderstorm not remembering how to fly. A few months later after swimming to shore a man and his friends noticed that he wasn't like the other seagulls, considering he he came back from a thunderstorm .
9/17/2015 02:35:30 pm
A Pelican with a long white body,black and white wings and a big beak was found swimming lonely,in the water. Three months after getting lost from it's family , and forgetting how to fly it's not much fun swimming by yourself. luckily a man found him and put a GoPro camera on it ,to track his victory of flying. After a couple try's the lost Pelican could finaly find it's family
9/17/2015 04:29:18 pm
A pelican with a long white body,big black and white wings,and a long white beak was found swimming in the water after there was a huge storm.The pelican's wings were injured and it had lost his parents after the storm. Then a nice man in Tanzania found the pelican and then nursed it back to health,After the pelicans wings were fixed the man helped the pelican to fly.Even though he failed once he got up and DID IT.HE LEARNED HOW TO FLY!!!! YAAAAYY.
Aidan Roseland-Barnes
9/17/2015 05:54:43 pm
After a big storm, a large white and black pelican swam in from the lake. It had lost its parents and had forgotten how to fly. A man had the pelican on a stand and was attempting to help it fly again. The pelican jumped then tried to fly. After that a man was running down the sandy beach flapping his arms. The pelican saw what the man was doing then tried to flap its wings itself. It quickly learnt how to fly then took off. The lake was dark and black and there were trees in the background. You could see the sandy beach from a distance. There was a nice breeze that was cool. All you could hear were the wings flapping in the breeze. It smelt like fresh lake water. Then the pelican came back to the sandy beach.
9/18/2015 04:54:34 pm
A pelican with huge, black wings, a long beak, and a soft, white body swam into shore on rippling water after a big storm. The pelican lost his family and couldn't fly. People were trying to help it learn to fly on the golden, soft sand. They were running and flapping their arms so the pelican would know how to do it. Eventually the pelican got it! It was flying over the blue lake, past little boats, mountains, and the bright sun! He finally learn how to fly!
9/19/2015 02:15:25 am
As the pelican was developing to lean how to fly by running up and down the beach until he thought i could do it and he did as the pelican took of in a fast paste almost like he or she was flying into the as the pelican got more confidante every stroke he or she got higher higher and higher until he or she knew that he or she could do it as soon as the pelican took flight the water waved back and forth.
9/19/2015 07:43:08 am
A pelican could not fly and was afriad to fly but people were trying to teach the pelican how to fly by flapping your arms so then the people threwe the pelican in the air and the pelican started to fly and the pelican knew how to fly from that day on.
9/19/2015 01:20:24 pm
A pelican gets washed up on the beach. Later men come and see the pelican and realize that the pelican cannot fly. They try there best to teach the pelican by flapping there arms. A few months later finally the pelican can fly.When the pelican flies the pelican smells salt from the sea and is gliding through the air spreading it's wings. It sees the ocean below and realizes how high it is. Then the pelican finally lands on a nice soft beach.
9/19/2015 01:31:12 pm
Filmed in Tanzania this video of a pelican learning to fly is inspirational.On a beautiful sunny day on a sandy beach the story begins with the pelican trying to fly. With the help of someone who cared, the pelican became able to fly after trying several times. He was up in the air and all he could see was the glow of the clear blue water and the cloudy blue sky. The trees look gorgeous and the view was magnificent. He flapped his wings with strength until he decided it was time to come back to the beach.
9/19/2015 01:40:33 pm
The pelican couldn't fly but it could stay on the surface of the lake. People had to teach the pelican how to fly! The pelican saw them flapping their arms then the pelican tried very hard to fly but didn't get so far.
9/19/2015 02:08:56 pm
A black and white pelican was found in a lake after a big storm and a few people found the pelican. The people tried to teach the pelican to fly by running up and down the beach flapping there arms. Then they tossed the pelican up in the air but he only made it a few feet then the pelican tried again to fly and he started to fly he went across the lake and back to the beach where the people first found him.
9/19/2015 03:56:18 pm
A huge black and white pelican was abandoned after a enormous storm. The bird couldn't fly and he lost his parents. since the Pelican couldn't fly a staff decided to help him. First they tried to put the pelican into one of the staffs hand and see if it would fly. The bird started flying for about 3 seconds but after he fastly fell to the beachy sand ground. Then they tried flapping their hands up and down to show the pelican how to fly. After the bird got the hang of flying it fastly flew in the middle of the lake. and thats how it learned how to fly!
9/19/2015 06:32:24 pm
The pelican was swimming in the clear blue lake with crashing waves after a big storm. He couldn't fly and lost his family. A man and his friends saw him and felt terrible. They all wanted to help. They taught him how to spread his wings by showing him. The man had to run up and down on the soft white sand. They taught him to get high in the air and be comfortable. They taught him this by putting him on a high, diving board. Finally they pelican flew.He flapped his long black wings rapidly. He flew high above the white sand, passing through the clear water. Slowly the island faded away. Soaring through the sky. The pelican could finally fly!!
9/20/2015 07:54:02 am
The pelican was swimming in the clear lake with crashing waves after a big storm,He couldn't fly and he lost his family. Since the Pelican couldn't fly a staff decided to help him.The people tried to teach the pelican to fly by running up and down the beach flapping there arms.A few months later finally the pelican can fly YA. He flapped his wings with strength until he decided it was time to come back to the beach.
9/21/2015 05:01:03 am
He was in Tanzinia 3 months ago after a big storm he couldn't fly any more and he lost his parents. Some of the people who work in the GoPro company decided to help the pelican, they tryed flapping their arms up and down the beach to make the pelican do the same thing. After a couple of weeks the pelican gained strength now it's time for the pelican to really try to fly. He flew around the beach for about 10 mins until he decided to come back.
9/21/2015 12:23:57 pm
I saw a beautiful, black, brown, pink and white pelican learning to fly. I saw him swim to a nearby beach in Tanzinia because he lost his parents. He learned to fly by some of the people who work in the GoPro company who taught the pelican to fly. The pelican's story ended beautifully with the pelican flying and believing in himself.
9/21/2015 12:40:56 pm
the pelican swam to shore it was injured and people were trying to help it fly again the pelican was showed how to fly so it flew around the shore and it learned to fly again so the pelican could go home or stay with the people the people are happy for the pelican because it could fly THE END
9/21/2015 12:57:12 pm
I was so moved after watching a video of a pelicans first flight., I loved the way the pelican lunged off the sandy beach and above the water.It was interesting seeing the wings continue a pastern of flapping and gliding. The beach started to fade in the background as it turned around the bay that was covered in beautiful tall trees. Underneath the pelican there was the lake that was as dark as the night sky. The pelican was still turning around the large bay. I could Imagine how amazed that pelican felt. While coming back to shore where it started. The pelican landed with a little run, as it tucked the wing beside its body.
9/21/2015 01:11:01 pm
A baby pelican that had a big white body and a long pink beak had been lost in a big storm the pelican lost its parents and did not now how to fly. People on a small brown boat found him swimming onto shore and started to try and teach the pelican to fly.
9/21/2015 01:38:57 pm
It was a beautiful afternoon when a saw a baby pelican had swam toward us it had lost its parents in a storm. You could see that it was lost and scared and for that reason it surprisingly trusted us.
9/21/2015 05:25:37 pm
After a big strom a baby pelican lost his family and couldn't fly. you could see in his eyes that he was scared and lost. We tried and tried but he couldn't do it. Till they were running across the beach flapping there arms and the baby pelican saw them. The baby pelican was running and the baby pelican started to flap his wing and started to fly. Everyone was very happy and started happy dancing on the beach.
9/22/2015 11:50:57 am
After a storm, a tragedy happened. A baby pelican lost its family. A few men found him and then they noticed he couldn't fly. They tried to teach it how to fly but the baby pelican just couldn't fly. Then they tried flapping their arms and running across the beach. The baby pelican followed them and he flew! He felt the air in his face, flying so fast, then he went back to the beach and landed perfectly.
9/22/2015 01:00:00 pm
After a big storm,a baby pelican is lost and he can't fly . A few months ago some people find him on the beach.
9/23/2015 04:03:59 pm
What I think about the vidieo is that even the smallest thing can learn how to do something and with that they can do so much and it inspires people and animals to keep trying and never give up.
9/24/2015 04:54:44 pm
On a sandy beach there is a beach hut with a brown canopy and a pair of chairs that have a wooden frames in the background. A baby pelican, that has black and white feathers, is taking flight for the first time. As he gets ready to fly, he takes a few steps along the beach. He feels the hot brown sand between his webbed feet. He flaps his wings to get a feel for the wind. As he is talking off, you see him hover overtop of an ocean that has beautiful clear blue water. During the flight, you can see nothing but a clear path of air for him to fly. He
9/25/2015 04:44:39 am
I think pelicans are a beautiful creatures and are very long.Watching a pelican fly it makes me think we are like that pelican pelican because we struggle to fly and then we get the hang of it. vib. Comments are closed.
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