- Is it too late to make a positive impact on the environment, or can we make a change?
- What changes would you make to build a positive future for the generations to follow us?
- List 3 things you will do this week that will create a better world for future generations!
This week we celebrated Earth Day, a day to raise awareness and recognize the importance of environmental protection. As I was looking through the various events and videos that were posted, this one really caught my attention. Watch one man’s ‘apology’ to future generations, for the damage being done today.. Although some of the points he makes refer to American politicians, I think the message he has to share is universal. As you watch, think about his message. Do you agree? For your blog post, in the comments, reflect on the following:
4/28/2016 01:59:27 pm
I think the government should stop building stuff because the government is cutting trees down and if that keeps happening eventually the earth will have no trees. That is really sad. This is all because they needed to build apartments,houses and recreational centers. Now I am not saying that those buildings are bad and should not be here but I think the government should just even that stuff out.
Aidan Roseland-Barnes
5/4/2016 01:30:21 pm
1. I think it is definetly NOT to late to make a change on the impact of the earth! If we all help out we can make the world a way better place for future generations.
5/6/2016 04:28:11 am
Is it too late to make a positive impact on the environment, or can we make a change?
4/28/2016 04:45:56 pm
I've watched this video many times before and I love it! It's really cool how you can turn a positive message about the world into a song or a rap. Prince EA has sent out a really good message about the world about what we are doing to the world,racism,equality and a bunch of other stuff. Although he mostly focuses on the bad stuff we are doing to the environment and how if we don't stop polluting and stuff then the future generation like our children,our children's children and even children's children's children's won't get to see animals,trees,grass etc. Prince EA sent out a great message in a very entertaining way. Here is my blog post.
4/28/2016 05:44:40 pm
I think that almost all the woods are getting cut down for more house and roads because Oakville is becoming a bigger city, town what ever you want to call it. That is not good for any things even humans because we need trees to breath so we should stop cutting down trees.
4/29/2016 01:23:24 pm
think this message is saying that we really do need to pay attention to what we have and we should respect what we have instead of using/taling it for granted.
4/30/2016 07:27:07 am
I think this video was very important to us and the environment. People should just appreciate what they have instead of getting more and more If they keep on cutting more trees down, this Earth wouldn't be the same as today.
5/2/2016 04:35:08 pm
Is it too late to make a positive impact on the environment, or can we make a change?
5/3/2016 02:03:28 pm
Climate Change and Global Warming is changing the world extremely quick… Fossil fuels, carbon dioxide, natural gases. Anyways, to the assignment this week.
5/4/2016 12:51:58 pm
Just think about a world with no wild life but just people no animals not plants like trees for example we would die of no oxygen or clean water.
5/4/2016 12:52:47 pm
I meant no clean water
5/4/2016 01:11:55 pm
After watching this video I was really sad and motivated. Sad because in years the world can be like that with no animals,oceans and trees. All for money. These are all things we take for granted. We use trees everyday. Imagine them all gone. So of course I was sad, but I was also very motivated. After seeing a "What if" of the world, I now know that we all need to start taking care of the world for us and also for future generations.
5/4/2016 01:20:37 pm
I Really enjoyed watching this video and I learnt a lot.
5/4/2016 01:26:38 pm
This video was a huge eye opener for me, and it really made me think about what's really happening in the world around me. I totally agree with the video, we need to focus on things that are important. We need to act towards the future and not what's happening right now.
5/5/2016 01:20:08 pm
1. I think that there is still enough time to make a change in this world. When the man in the video was talking about the trees being cut down and how its affecting our lives there was a message to the people to help the environment. This doesn't only mean tell people to stop cutting down trees it also means doing little things to help the environment grow.
Chloe V
5/4/2016 01:40:33 pm
After watching this video I feel very inspired to make a difference.
5/4/2016 03:41:21 pm
Vib's key board went hay wire.
5/4/2016 03:48:18 pm
That video is super inspiring it made me watch it again! It reminded me that our whole world could become a desert and that I am sorry.
Connor #Sorry
5/4/2016 05:42:11 pm
One time Bryan T. Amazing got the same exact message as my class did, and he answered the 3 questions, and that is what I am going to do.
5/4/2016 06:08:22 pm
This video was very powerful, it makes me paying attention to it. I agree with the video because the are in Beijing is very bad, for example: you breath the air at there one day = smoke one day.
5/5/2016 01:21:10 pm
I think that it is sad that people keep on wrecking nature just to build more structures. Personally, I want to make a change but it will take a lot more than one person to change the world.
5/5/2016 01:42:13 pm
I think the government should stop building house and cutting down trees because the trees are there for a reason and that reason is to give oxygen to humans and animals without trees we wouldn't be here 1. is it possible to make a change? Yes it is possible to make a change we can all make a change by getting off our self phones to go out side enjoy the fresh air turn off our TV's don't litter recycle do every thing you can to not destroy our place we all call home
5/5/2016 02:47:47 pm
Watching this video made me realize that sometimes we don't really care about what's happening around us. Its never to late to help make the world a better place. Sometimes We just focus on the "beautiful" world and how we are luckily to be having a life but that's not how its going to work in the future. We have to care about this world we live on. Over 7+ billion people live on earth so that means we have to share it! Here are somethings we could do too help make this world even better.
5/5/2016 04:58:24 pm
1 it is not to late to do anything all we have to do is stop like you know the bridge next to are school all we have to do is say stop to them.
5/5/2016 05:03:05 pm
Hello, we watched a very inspirational video about how we are destroying things that we take for granted every single day, we wake up and go to bed not even thinking how hundreds and hundreds of trees and animals are getting cut down or dying because of hunting, because of abuse, because of habitat loss, there are so many ways that we are wrecking nature and we are finding new ways to destroy it, not solving the old ways. I really liked how in the video how he made it really interesting by making it a rap sort of thing, I also liked how he talked to the future generation not to us, to people who are watching this in the future. It really made me think when he talked about trees and how they give us stuff that I didn't know that trees did and how people in the future will not even be able to see a tree and even know what a tree IS, and that made me think how we take trees SOOO much for granted and I want that to end, we cant wait for someone else to fix our mistake because that most likely will not happen and no one will fix our mistakes and if we don't realize it we are going to be in big trouble so here are the answer to the questions related to the video by
5/5/2016 06:20:17 pm
Prince E.A
Lucas :) :)
5/5/2016 06:03:35 pm
I have seen this video before and just watching it again makes me remember just how strong the message in this video is and just that it makes people realize that we are cutting down tree's and getting rid of animals habitats making some of them going extinct just for one thing which is $$$$$$$ money. If you watched the end of that video where he is in Africa well I found the quote that he said really powerful which was " when all the rivers are dried up and all the trees are cut down man will realize that you can not eat money" I find that really powerful because it is true because once we have no trees and no lakes their will be no food to buy because all the tree's and farms and crops will not be able to grow. People these days are so worried about making money but they don't realize that money isn't all to your life but unfortunately that is what most of the world thinks. Most of the world is so focused on the world when they will be alive that they don't care what they put on the ground or in the sky because they say " by the time it will be a real threat I will be dead" and that is just terrible.
5/5/2016 06:07:25 pm
I really loved and enjoyed doing this blog post and I also really loved the video and thought the message is so powerful. This crisis is something that needs to get across to the world and they need to realize how big of a problem this is becoming but the only problem people are focused on today is how to get money. But let me ask you this when all the rivers are gone and all the tree's are cut down and you have piles and piles and piles of cash what are you going to spend it on. Comments are closed.
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