As we head out on our journey through the year, I wanted to think about some of my goals for this year and encourage you, the students, to think about yours.
As a first assignment on this blog, I would like you to write (use the comment button) down three goals you have for the year and the timeline by which you will complete them. One goal should be related to school and school work, one goal can be related to your daily life, and the last one is completely open.
My Goals:
1: My goal for school is to make sure that I am actively encouraging and helping the development of student writing through the use of this blog. I will know I'm successful if by Christmas break, we have been using it weekly and all students have been actively participating.
2: My daily life goal is to use my Google Calendar to organize both life at school at life at home. I'll know it's successful if by the end of September I haven't forgotten to pick up Vera at daycare.
3: My final goal is to develop my teamwork skills, I want to be someone who shares what they have and isn't afraid to ask someone else for help when they need it. I'll know I'm successful if our classroom feels like a welcoming community by the end of September.
Please post your own 3 goals below by the end of the first week of school.